Highest APY & Auto Compounding Protocol in Decentralize Space

Hadiqa Saim
2 min readApr 21, 2022



RebaseAPY is transforming DeFi with the RebaseAPY Autostaking Protocol (RAP) that delivers the industry’s highest forever APY, rebasing rewards every 10 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet, fast.

The DeFi protocols provide an easy and enormous return compared to traditional financial institutions like banks or bonds. Rebase APY delivers an ecosystem of products to offer a revolutionized crypto experience to community members and crypto enthusiasts worldwide.

While volatility is the major issue associated with cryptocurrencies, preventing the mass adoption of DeFi coins and platforms, Rebase APY is here to deliver the most stable and sustainable cryptocurrency through its rebasing mechanism.

In addition to launching its Rebase tokens, Rebase APY has a launchpad to launch similar Rebase tokens in the market for the welfare of users in the blockchain space. Rebase APY offers you the best possible way to earn passive income with your crypto assets.

There is no need to mine or trade cryptocurrencies for profits, as Rebase APY has the best alternative. Furthermore, Rebase APY offers some innovative products like metaverse, NFT cards, and marketplace.

Rebasing Mechanism An Overview Rebasing is a fair cryptocurrency supply mechanism that alters the total supply of coins, intending to offer more stable cryptocurrencies in terms of price. The price of any particular coin depends on its supply or market emotions.

Expanding or contracting the circulating supply of a crypto asset to exert control over its price is called rebasing. When a rebase occurs, the supply of the token is increased or decreased algorithmically, based on the current price of each token

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